Monday, March 9, 2015

Laws of a Modern Woman...MPC Edition

Be a goddess. When you hear of God,  gods, or goddesses you think of them as smart,beautiful, creators, and being in control. Erykah Badu said in a song “If we are born in his image, then call me by my name.” This verse is so significant to me and once I understood it, I applied it. A man does not want a woman who is not in control of there own life. Now I’m not saying wear the pants in your relationships (we will talk about this in another article), but they don't like when we are out of control when it comes to things like our emotions, decisions, and what it is that we want. They want a solid foundation. Somebody they know does not have it all together but can make it damn sure look like it. Act like what you want him to perceive you to be.

Date or “Talk” to more than one guy. This is not a hall pass to be a hoe. I  clearly said DATE OR TALK and this is what I meant. Dating/talking is going out on dates, talking from time to time, night caps, etc. I am not referring to sex (you will learn why later in the article). Let’s be real, shit happens and I say talk to more than one guy because putting all your eggs in one basket will having you expecting more out of this one person and he could lead you to a gate way of disappointment.  Men like competition. Let him know he’s not the only one you dating right now, if he gets mad THAT DOES NOT MEAN HE CARES, it just means that he’s afraid of competition. He will get over it and if he doesn't just move on to the next one dear. Just don’t get the rug pulled from you thinking you’re the only girl he talks to. Smart women know that and aren’t afraid of a little competition either.

Sex.  Avoid it  right off the back when dating. I call this method weeding out the weak. Ladies it is possible for a man to not have least for awhile. The whole point is they will live if they don't have it right away. What they cannot deal with is loneliness and most men can just be in a woman’s company. Be that woman. Now if you aren’t celibate, no problem, do the 90 day rule if it works as well. ( DO NOT TELL HIM HE IS ON A 90 DAY PERIOD). You don't even have to necessarily go that extreme, but just give him some time to know you and for you to know him. Make sure you're definitely getting the dates you deserve before you give him some ass he did not really work for. Now when you and him are exclusively together I’m all for you stepping your cookies up. Don’t give a guy you’re just talking to boyfriend benefits.  All I am asking is don’t give yourself away to just anybody. You are a goddess remember, and you want someone who deserves to have you. 

You cannot half ass be a goddess. Pick up your big girl panties and try these in baby steps, but eventually you ladies and going to have to take big steps to really get what you need.

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